Some lab tests posted online
Prime My Body’s claim to fame was being one of the first to offer an innovative liposomal delivery system wherein cannabinoids are encapsulated inside phospholipids, allowing for dramatically enhanced absorption. Since then, they’ve taken things further with their yet-to-launch CBD oil which uses ‘Nano Sonicated Technology’ to create the liposomes which surround the compounds. Their line is focused and appears top notch, but there’s a catch — to date, you have to be an affiliate member to purchase directly from the company. Yep, here’s another multi-level marketing CBD brand out for world domination. The products aren’t too shabby, but proceed with caution.
Prime My Body is a source for more than nano-enhanced CBD oil; one can also find products like superfoods protein powder and a sophisticated liver detox system. CEO Paul Rogers was formerly the president of a $600 million/year health and wellness company who now has his sights set on taking Prime My Body international through their multilevel marketing model.
To become an affiliate, you must pay a $39 enrollment fee which gets you your own website, back-office software, and a rewards program emphatically advertised as the best around.
And Prime My Body is somehow connected to another CBD company, Quicksilver Scientific, offering virtually the same products, utilizing the same technology, and employing the same scientific brain: Dr. Shade. We are unsure as to exactly how this business relationship works, but clearly people are confused, as there is a question on the PMB message board asking why not just buy the CBD products from Quicksilver Scientific.
PMB uses domestically sourced industrial hemp that is then extracted with ethanol and put through a chromatography process to separate THC. We don’t necessarily have a problem with the ethanol extraction method, provided the company in question conducts testing for residual solvents. PMB does not appear to test for solvents, plus their CoAs are not SKU specific and are generated by Quicksilver Scientific (in this case, not a third party). Therefore, we must withhold the Safety Badge in this instance.
The Prime My Body CBD product line is simple, and the cannabidiol contained herein all falls within the liposomal, water-soluble category:
Something we can’t help but mention is that Prime My Body is launching its own cryptocurrency, $PMB. This digital token (if it comes to fruition) will act as a method of payment between affiliates, the company, and maybe even customers. Here’s the problem — paying affiliates in a token with no proven value is risky to say the least. When these affiliates go to exchange these tokens for Bitcoin and subsequently fiat currency, they’ll have to endure fees and the risk that the coin is worthless.
Bottom Line – Prime My Body is a CBD company that operates on the MLM model, and we are historically hesitant to get behind these types of brands. They check the boxes on quality, mission, and innovation, but we are suspicious of their known penchant for inflating numbers at conferences, their lack of third-party testing, and the undisclosed nature of their relationship with Quicksilver Scientific.
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Does Not ExpirePrime My Body sources domestically grown industrial hemp and uses advanced technology to create liposomal delivery CBD products.
Prime My Body has not been verified to provide current, third-party lab results for both potency and contaminants.
Prime My Body has not been verified to actively engage in charity, from compassionate discounts to nonprofit work.
Prime My Body embraces the movement to raise awareness of the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, promoting the notion that what you put in your body matters.
Prime My Body was one of the first to create CBD liposomal delivery products, and their new technology uses sonication to achieve water solubility and optimum bioavailability.
Each badge earned is worth one star or point. The best score possible is 5. Discover how these badges are earned
Save 15% on CBDfx, shop their complete catalog of hemp CBD products!
Does Not ExpireGet the Ultimate CBD Buyer’s Guide and you won’t look at CBD the same way again!
I am a PMB affiliate and I love their products and the company ethos, leadership and community. I don’t understand people’s aversion to network marketing. Instead of paying advertising, salaried reps, shop rentals, shop fittings and shop staff etc, PMB empowers the average person to market for them! How awesome is that?!!! I was using a hemp supplement anyway (which wasn’t very effective), so it was a no-brainer to support my friend when she told me about the products and opportunity! You can support your friends and family to improve their financial circumstances or you can make another conglomerate richer… I know where I would rather shop.
This company is very difficult to work with. Impossible to get a person to help you. Awful return policy, inflated fees, product has potential contamination and had to fight for replacement bottle. Run, businesses should be in the business of serving their customers, this corp is adversarial!
Hello Kathy ,
What kind of a pain you had That is gone By using recept?
And please can you specify what kind of results you also got Both of you ?
I ordered a bottle of PMB RECEPT CBD since one of my friends sells their products. OMG the peppermint citrus smells like straight up dishsoap. I will not force myself to try it, as I gag from the smell. It smells like a body wash, not a food. Then I look at the label, “made in Texas”. Yeah, something is not right with this stuff. Caveat emptor. Maybe I will use it as a bath soap…..
I tried a sample for 2 weeks and laughed a lot. I bought the original hemp oil of prime body and noticed it’s 2 years since it was packed in 2017 is it good still?
Research PRIME MY BODY. This is a fantastic company and highest quality products. On the things this site “grades” on, it should rate it a 5. They need to revise their review. We have CofA for every batch. PMB is headquartered in TX. They use signification allowing for the smallest of particles for highest absorption, our hemp is grown to organic standards in CO. Our owners are hands on, involved. They are amazing. PMB is the first company to go international. Now in Japan, Taiwan, Mexico, soon Canada and more countries in 2020. Our company and products are transparent. You won’t find a better one out there.
Which oil did you use? Ther original or the Recept? We no longer sell the original as we have our own proprietary formulation now. I wouldve suggested taking smaller doses. It may have simply been detoxing heavy metals, etc. The headaches would’ve passed most likely. It’s a fantastic company with quality products. Our NOX skin care is exclusive and pretty incredible.
Please go to my site and click on either Recept or Calm. You’ll see both have easy access to everyone for the CofA. And regarding charity, their current generosity is supporting best cancer research. You’ll see that wirh every purchase of Calm through October.
Please update your score to reflect accurately.
I got a headache when I first started using their Recept product. I called the person I purchased from and she told me to back down to 5 drops instead of 1 ml (40 drops). When I did that, I no longer got headaches and my pain was gone. At that dose, twice daily, a 50 ml bottle will last me ofer 6 months. Makes the $108 (plus tax) seem much more reasonable.I’ve been very impressed by the results both myself and my husband are getting.
Also, the CoA tests for e. coli and salmonella, as well as heavy metals and all commercially used pesticides for consumer protection and validation of their hemp sourcing.
Hello Margaret,
I am sorry to hear you had a bad experience with Prime My Body products. Like everything else, some products aren’t for everyone. However, I would like to suggest that you have a basic understanding of consumer labels. The term “Natural”, as consumers should be aware, is a very loose term and should not be taken into consideration when making purchases for your health. For Prime My Body, they are very transparent and conscious about their place in the market and their impact on the environment. They use only verified sustainable palm for their lecithin, and they do considerable 3rd party testing with a lab called SS BioMed, which offers 3rd party testing for various products as one of many services.
As for not being a full-spectrum product, I would like to know what your definition of full spectrum is. PMB offers a nice product comparison that shows the types of products and contents that lead the market currently. What PMB offers is not only a fast acting nanoparticle delivery system, but more CBG and CBD that is bioavailable due to the particle size. Moreover, the 7 terpenes that are in the product have their own benefits that add to the overall product effect. The peppermint and citrus flavor that you were not fond of are terpenes that add to the products overall benefit. I particulatly find the flavors refreshing and nice. I imagine that they will be playing with different flavors in the future, but the flavor they do boast is essentially peppermint with a hint of orange.
Again, it is unfortunate that you didn’t have a good experience, but I have found that myself and others have had fantastic experiences with this product, and dare I say, positive life-altering changes due to the benefits of CBD in general.
keep’n it simple-one word…HEMPWORX!
I would appreciate knowing what company you have partnered with that you feel is the best! I am new and the differences between companies are confusing. Thanks.
American Shaman products are much better. They use third party testing which can be seen on their website. They offer a water soluble which has 90% absorption compared to oil which is 40%. Check them out.
The best company out there in my opinion is the company I partnered with. They have all documentation and the product works. Literally you can Google them and nothing bad comes up. Send me a message if you want to chat on Facebook or visit my site.
I also had issues the the CBD oil and they couldn’t believe it. They are telling me that anyone can take it. I have found other organic products, not CBD oils, that have helped me tremendously.
Would be more than happy to share with you if you are interested.
Hi can you share the company name that passed your research points? I’m new and still learning.
Very bad experience with Cyndi a Recept Prime my Body supplier. First was told would cost $89 then after over 4 weeks waiting told for me $119 + shipping and handling … Then showed the pricing structure and told to purchase 15 bottles. Really do not recommend doing business with people that integrity is not present.
After reading this article I wanted to research the QuickSilver concern and the product testing. I found out that the Quick Silver company is geared towards healthcare clinics and healthcare professionals to have available in their practices. As far as Prime My Body, the product is tested, doesn’t say the name of the lab that does the testing so I’m not sure if it’s their own or independent. I’m not an affiliate or product user, wanted to do my research before trying products or joining. I feel comfortable that they’re honest about their integrity but you can research and ask questions yourself. 🙂
Look, we have sellers reviewing the product!
Where is the proof of 3rd party testing? I am not happy with this diluted product doesnt even look like oil and it has not helped me at all i want my money back!
Colette, according to recent studies, RECEPT is actually a lot more effective than we initially realized. It’s so effective that it actually has a mild detox effect. That headache you were feeling was the oil pulling toxins from your brain. Our Austin detox specialist has actually set up videos for mild side effects, such as headaches, people have reported thus far and how to adjust accordingly. That should solve your headaches. I can get you in touch with him if you like.
NO THC, 2 Independent Labs atesting, Nano-Emulsified, Organic, QR Codes, NON-GMO,Vacuum Sealed Bottles.
Take a look. Give it a try.
I highly recommend CTFO’s highest quality CBD oils. Their 10X 500 or 1500 mg Pure Full Spectrum CBD Oils are Supercharged and Hydrophilic, meaning it gets through to your blood system faster and lasts longer.
I have been suffering from severe nerve pain from Trigeminal Neuralgia and Fibromyalgia and it is the only CBD oil that has reduced my pain. I have my life back. Feel free to message me.
[email protected]
I’m wondering if anyone has tested positive on a uterine analysis test. In the FAQ section they tell you that it’s possible to test positive. My girlfriend has been using the oil for about two months. She was negative on the quick test but when they sent her sample to the lab she tested positive.
Just checking to see if you have any back-up for this statement…”a multi-level marketing scheme that preys on the good intentions of its affiliates and scams them out of almost all of their profits with massive amounts of hidden fees and shady business.” I know some affiliates, and I have not heard of ANY experiences like this. Facts only please
The term “CBD Oil” is trademarked by GW Pharmaceuticals. Companies who use a different term for it are ensuring they don’t get sued.
I tried PMB for a month, helped with my back pain but caused all day headache. I tried diluting with water, and taking a smaller amount just a drop same result. I can not use this product. And it is sooo expensive.
During my research for buying the best CBD and where to buy it, I found there are only a few things that separate the companies from each other.
My findings:
– For Quality.. Know who you are buying from.
– Many companies are jumping into CBD space. Know your source. Get to know the company. Some companies that promote NON-CBD products are just adding CBD to what they are already marketing. Buyer beware!
Many are using the Network Marketing business model.. I did not see anything wrong with that model as long as the emphasis is on the product and not recruiting.
– My criteria in researching:
1. Know who the Company Owners are.
2. Where are they Headquartered. – US or other country
3. How is CBD manufactured. What is the extraction method.
4. Farmers – Who and where grown. Is it organic by written organic standards for CBD
5. Lab testing. Which lab, by batches or other method..
Only one company I found was vertically integrated, including the farmer. (Meaning the farmer is an owner-so you know the source)
– This company is truly ‘From Farm to Table/Customer” The company is in the US. I Researched their involvement with the 2018 Farm Bill. They are built based on the farm bill.
Other companies started before Farm Bill was passed. This company started selling to the public in Feb 2019.
Did not like the flavor at all!! I was allergic to it. My cheeks were red and flush with in 2 minutes. Peppermint flavor was awful!
I have tried many CBD brands before. It is not even a full-spectrum product but they make you believe it’s the best on the planet…do your research! It is not natural or organic!!
Hi Gene,
May I ask what product you found worked best for your nerve pain? I’ve had several foot surgeries and have constant nerve pain and tingling.
Dawn your linkedin makes me believe you do sell CBD oil. Which is fine. It is possible to give a review even if you have an investment in the products reputation.
Prime My Body does third party testing.
Looking at your Methodology – PMB should have a SAFETY badge (and a Charity badge – although they don’t post their charitable contributions online). Not only is there a CofA available for every batch, the website does state that our hemp is processed to organic levels and does not contain any of those things (I would attach an actual CofA if there’s a way to do so) – AND their original oil contains less than .01% thc. Our new RECEPT oil contains zero. With due diligence, I’m confident PMB will become your highest rated oil.
I’m curious about the lack of rating for SAFETY and CHARITY. PMB has contributed to various natural disaster reliefs, when they occurred. And as for safety, to not rate them – implies it’s not a safe product, which is thoroughly inaccurate. Your reviews matter, so a partial review can harm a business. I would encourage you to reach out to PMB for whatever information you need to correct your review. The company is going crypto, because they are now an international company – and it makes it easier for those customers/affiliates in other countries to buy product. Affiliate earnings do not need to be paid in crypto – but each affiliate has that option if they choose. Going crypto is a business decision – but doesn’t affect affiliates. Another misconception is their CofA. Each one IS based on a specific batch. This information is transparent and provided to every customer with a QR link on their packing slip. The new RECEPT hemp oil with CBG is their own proprietary oil – under their Chief Medical Advisor, Dr Ruan, who founded the 2nd largest integrative medicine clinic in the country. Reviewing products comes with a responsibility.
I’ve personally been using PMB hemp oil (original) for over 2 yrs. It’s incredible for post workout recovery as well as general health. I hadn’t slept so well in the 20 yrs prior to using this oil. It’s a dietary supplement that nourishes your endocannabinoid system. PMB oil is far more bioavailable than other brands – and you can’t benefit from what you don’t absorb. My husband was a skeptic until he witnessed how it supported my son when he severely strained his lower back lifting weights. Over 2 wks time his pain got drastically worse and reached the point he wasn’t able to dress himself or even walk. My teen was in tears with all over body shakes. After 1 dose, the shakes stopped. After 4 doses of PMB he woke up a little stiff, but fully able to do all of those things on his own. Weeks of ibuprofen did nothing for him. The PMB Pet Hemp has completely transformed my dogs skin and hair in 5 weeks. I have no doubt it’s supplementing their health in many ways. Don’t knock it until you try it. They deserve 5 stars. : )
No. In fact PMB original oil suggests being taken at least 10 mins before or after eating or drinking, to allow for optimal absorption. You can only benefit from what your body can absorb.
Hi Guy’s, do you have a newsletter that can keep me up to date with your products
This is why I love my HempWorx! 60 day money back guarantee regardless of the reason!
Take it morning and night I found best ?love it!!!
Hi Dawn,
Thanks for your comment. At this time we are reviewing brands, we do not review product, therefore do not touch on the efficacy of the product. Our methodology is based on information readily available on their site for customers to reference. Please check out our published methodology page to reveal what we look for when reviewing a Brand such as Prime My Body.
I have been using PMB oil for almost 2 years and have been very happy with it. I also purchase a bottle every month for my brother who has lots of physical issues and he loves the product too. This month I received a bottle that had a rancid taste. I tried using it 3 times with a gag response each time. I contacted the company letting them know that I received a bad bottle and asking if they would replace it. Their response was “We regret that we do not have satisfaction guarantee and we can not send a replacement.” I was dumbfounded! They do not stand behind their product! I will not be ordering from them for myself or my brother so they just lost 2 loyal customers because they “do not have satisfaction guarantee” products.
Prime My Body’s oil has helped me with anxiety, nervous system, sleep much deeper plus my energy during the day is really balanced, calmed my allergies, uplifts mood, balances hormones (acts as an adaptogen), anti-inflammatory (joints and tendons no more pain), and has cleared 2 spots of eczema! WOW! quite a list! Anyhow, they are coming out with a new oil in March that has more CBD, more CBG and is less expensive! Plus they will have a professional practitioner discounted line.
CBD oil is known to lower blood pressure. If yours was low to begin with it may have lowered it some more. Take your blood pressure to check it.
So your review is a 1?? Clearly you have not used the product. Definitely the best product out there. The science you are questioning, nano-liposomal is the exact reason that this intervenus-like hemp oil is changing lives. Just because it’s sold through a network marketing distribution model does not mean the product is not BEST IN CLASS. You get a Costco membership don’t you? What’s the big deal buying your hemp oil this way? And no I don’t sell it. But I wish I could. PrimeMyBody any day!
My guess is that this page is a way to trash talk PMB because of it’s superior quality. Nice try but none of the brands you are endorsing compare. An honest review would be nice.
Best taken on an empty stomach 10 minutes before meals.
Does it have to be taken with food?
I like the product but the company is HORRIBLE!
I have suffered nerve pain to the point where I was bedridden and needed to be fed. Tried cannabis in different form and with different companies. The ones that work for me cost less than half of what Prime My Body charges per ml. Everyone is different, do your own research on different companies and try them out to see what works for you in a most economical way. They are expansive!
The product works to help ease pain and anxiety, but it’s only about as effective as other much cheaper products from much more reputable companies, if you adjust your dose for the amount of bioavailable mg of CBD oil. If you buy this product, you support a multi-level marketing scheme that preys on the good intentions of its affiliates and scams them out of almost all of their profits with massive amounts of hidden fees and shady business. Best to spend your money elsewhere!
I have to say that I was a bit skeptical, as I’ve tried other CBD oils that I’ve purchased through a local co-op as well as a health supplement store. They helped me fall asleep more quickly but nothing else. My daughter and I both suffer from endometriosis and hers is really bad. She is 17 and had surgery for the endo in June but still has pain and nausea issues and smoking has been the only thing to give her any relief for nausea and pain – the other CBD oils have done nothing for her. My friend gave me a sample bottle of PMB and when my daughter was doubled over in pain, I gave her 2 pumps – I kid you not, after 25 minutes her pain had nearly diminished completely and she was dumbfounded. I have back issues due to a car wreck in 2001 and when my back went out for the 3rd time in 2 weeks, I used 5 pumps morning and night starting Friday until I could get into my chiro today (Monday). I have NEVER been able to get through a weekend of back pain without prescription pain relievers and/or muscle relaxers. This significantly took the edge off until I could get my back adjusted. I’m sold. Nothing works for everyone, but to see both of us experience significant pain relief with our first does of PMB has been evidence of the quality of this product. All I can say is that you get what you pay for!!
A friend of mine shared this product (the CBD oil) with me over a year ago. Honestly, I was clueless and figured it was a nutritional supplement. I had previously cooked with hemp oil and never felt any different. I tried one pump of the CBD oil and liked the orange flavor. To my surprise, about 20 minutes later I was much note relaxed. About a month later, my friend gave me another opportunity to sample it. This time, I tried two pumps before bed, and I felt relaxed and slept well. The next morning, I was scheduled for a minor surgery with general anesthesia. I was still relaxed and never got nervous, even though common sense was telling me that I should be nervous. Even after the surgery, I still felt relaxed. Fast forward one year, and now my life is much more stressful with increased responsibilities at work. I I tried some CBD gummies. While they work, I never quite got that same long-lasting feeling of relaxation. I finally decided that it would be worth the money to buy this product, because of the calm feeling that it gives me.
Hemp oil comes from the seeds of the hemp plant whereas CBD oil comes from the flower.
Hey there! Did you ever get your answer?
The product is unparalleled. It’s superior to any other oils I’ve tried. I see some negative comments about customer service, etc. I have to say, they are really getting so much better and I’m getting customer service responses much quicker than a year ago. It’s still a young company and has had some growing pains, but the product is really the best and worth every penny.
Positive result while taking the PMB hemp oil is that my neck and shoulder pain have diminished significantly even with use e.g. painting and lifting weights. The only negative symptom I have noticed is that when I first wake up in the morning when I go to sit up I feel dizzy and need to lay back down. I didn’t have this symptom on the first 10 day trial of the hemp oil but it began in my 2nd week of use. I am only using 2 pumps in the am and 2 pumps in the pm. I think I will reduce to 1 pump in am and 1 pump in pm to see if dizziness goes away. Maybe this product is in need of a dose per weight? BTW I do not take any pharmaceuticals or over the counter medications either.
What is the difference of hemp oil from pure cbd oil? I tried hemp oil in capsule form but did not do anything for me. So what is the difference with this one? Hemp is derived from cannabis sativa if I am correct and that does not do anything for those with sleep problems. Would be grateful for your feedback.
Full spectrum 🙂
I love this product, this the only one, regulate my hormones, i refuse to take hormonal control pills
I’ve been taking 2 pumps in the morning at 2 at night. The first three days did t really do much. Except the first Day my hip pain was gone by the evening. Came back each morning until about day 6. Now it’s completely gone. Also. I have patches of eczema on my elbows and back of neck that are almost completely gone. Lastly, I’ve had the first theee nights I’d solid sleep that I can remember. The only thing I wonder about is a slight dizziness I’ve been feeling. It’s been hot and I e been sweating so maybe it’s dehydration? Today is day 8.
Is prime my body cbd oil a full spectrum oil or a isolated oil
I’m Curious about any studies conducted on this product and pregnancy.
How did you get your money back? I just went through the same thing with them.
I highly recommend CW Hemp, Charlottes Web. It has helped hundreds of people, children included, seizure free or at least down from a hundred seizures a day to a handful a week. Plus, the price is very affordable.
I have been using Prime My Body Hemp Oil for 1 month, the results are miraculous! I suffer from severe Fibromyalgia and have been in pain with NO relief for 7 years. This is the first time I have hope and feel “typical” or “normal”. lifesaver for me!
My experience with Prime My Body was not good. I would not recommend them. They do not stand behind their products and trying to get through to a live person for customer support has been impossible. After having a severe reaction to one of their products, I was told via email that I could not return it because it had been opened. Given that it cost $150, I decided to return the hemp oil unopened and received a 90% discount. Today I received my refund, but instead of receiving $144.00, they only refunded me $67.73.
I’d encourage people to look elsewhere before doing business with Prime My Body.
Scam!! DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!!! I became an affiliate of PMB and they made my life a living hell!! I like the product but the company is HORRIBLE! They overcharged my credit card, will not pay commissions, the customer support is the worst ever, they charge fees, fines, and overcharge for the product.
There are many great companies that have less expensive good quality oils with the same liposomal delivery system.
Please try ELIXINOL I did my research and 1000mg bottle will last you 62 days doing 16mg (of bio available) hemp oil per day for the same price as PMB cost for 28 days.
I have better results with Elixinol and HEMPLUID for a fraction of the price and no aggravation.
I have been using this product for almost 2 months and am experiencing incredible results. It has supported me in making huge changes in my life, giving up life long addictions with pretty much zero anxiety or craving, its been a god-send. My 11yo daughter also takes it, I can’t even describe the thrill of seeing her brighten up, feel happier and more at ease. This product has brought harmony into our lives in profound ways! We each take one pump each morning, making one bottle last over a month. The benefits of this product far out weigh the cost, health and happiness are priceless!
I have epilepsy and am considering this cbd oil from prime my body a friend has sent me a message and yes she is an affiliate. Whom I will have to sign in under to get a special price to purchase and sign up for auto ship. I am just wanting to try it for better seizure control and willing to pay the 120+ for it once but not sure I want to sign up for auto ship until I know if it will help me. I have also been to other web sites and they are less expensive but I don’t know about the value….
Hi David,
I also have RLS and wonder when you take the oil, how you take it and how much you take? Thank you,
Oh, and timing, some do two morning, two night. Other spread the pumps throughout the day.
The bottle recommends 2 pumps twice a day.
But I know David is taking 6-8 pumps a day. Some people are getting results from 2 pumps a day.
I suggest starting with the recommended dose and move up or down from there as you listen to your body.
I have been using the oil from PrimeMyBody for about 6 months now and it has helped me in so many ways. It has reduced the inflammation within my neck and shoulds, keeps me focused, and has reduced my knee pain. I love this product. Keep up the good work!
what dose do you take, time of the day etc. I am getting some for my friend who has trouble sleeping and anxiety, some nerve pain as well.
what dose do you take, time of the day etc. I am getting some for my friend who has trouble sleeping and anxiety, some nerve pain as well.
Landed here just trying to learn more about CBD oil and PrimeMyBody. However, I just have to respond to you Bob. Honestly, I am surprised by your question of “is it worth the price?” after reading what David has been experiencing and is no longer. We can all be skeptical and do our research. But at the end of the day, or even the beginning of each day…What is YOUR quality of life and health worth??? Life is priceless! $150 seems like a very small price for something that is working to bring back something that is truly invaluable.
Tried this hemp oil for a month now… feeling more bright, focused and enlivened. Sleeping well. Digging this product. Feels way more effective than any other hemp or cbd oils I’ve tried. I’m a fan.
Amazing results for my sleep problems, my neck pain and overall well being. I also give it to my 14 year old Cocker Spaniel with hip problems and he is getting up easier, eating better and feeling better.It is worth every penny!
David, I am so glad the the PMB hemp oil has been effectively addressing your RLS and other issues! Do you think it is worth the price? My understanding is that 50ml costs $150, plus tax! I would love to hear your thoughts!
when do you take it for a better nights sleep at night before bed or in the mornings
I’ve researched so many brands. This, I’m convinced, is the very best. From the technology of being absorbed far better than others to the high organic standards and co2 extraction process. I’ve been using it for 3 months. I sleep better. My precancers are gone. My anxiety and depression are gone. I sleep deeply. I feel like my entire body is at ease. Yay for a great hemp oil!!!
I am a huge skeptic when it comes to anyone involved in multi level marketing but if you look at it from a entrepreneurs view it is a very good way to market your product and make lots of money… so give them that.
My sister lives in Colorado and is a very “earthy” person if you will… ever since the legalization of marijuana there she always has encouraged me to try it for my pain do to back injury and ongoing autoimmune issues… I also suffer from severe RLS, I’m up at least 10x a night sitting up on edge of the bed… I also suffer from pins and needles in my forearms and wrist if slightly elevated. I guess she has some friends involved in Primemybody so she became an affiliate and sent me a bottle of the oil to try… within 2-3 weeks of using the product I have to say both the RLS and pins n needles are 100% gone. NO SHIT!!! Do I wonder if there’s better out there ..yup that’s how I found this site I’m reviewing on I did a google search for primemybody reviews.. like I said I’m a skeptic.
I have used multiple products on the market and now that I have changed over to the Prime My Body Hemp Oil, there is no comparison to the other oils. The technology of this product is light years ahead of the other products on the market. Hemp oil is about what you absorb into your body and not what you buy or consume. Nutrition is and always will be what you assimilate into your body and not what you eliminate! This no doubt is the most clinically relevant product I have ever taken.
I originally purchased it for my Father who had horrible vascular disease. The Oil helped his pain dramatically and also let him decrease his pill intake for pain. Then my husband started using it for pain in his feet which went away totally.
I take it for the health benefits and inflammation. The absorption rate of this Oil is unbelievable.
I’m not sure where the reviewer got the idea that you must be an affiliate to purchase the product? You can order it right on the web site. I became an affiliate just to get the wholesale price, not to build a team. Very impressed with this product.
Prime my body CBD hemp oil really helps me sleep. I have Parkinson’s disease (PD). Over half of PD patients have a sleep problem. I have found this product to be very effective.
I have now tried Prime my body for my severe Neck Arthritis and have had wonderful resuts. I have not gotten ANY NSAIDS to touch helping my pain and it has disapeared upon taking this CBD oil. I have also done away with my nite anxiety/sleep pill…..without it I would be up all nite……taking this CBD oil as a replacement gave me a complete nites sleep!!!
I am trying prime my body oil, and it has helped me with insomnia and anxiety big time. I love the product